Shortcut keys.
There are many shortcut keys for your better operating PDFelement and managing files efficiently. After opening the program, you can refer to the following instructions to work. Also, you can find the shortcuts in “File” > “Preferences” > “Shortcuts”.
- F1: Open online help page
- Alt + Shift + F11: Prompt product version pop-up
- Ctrl + O: Prompt document pop-up
- Ctrl + Tab: Switch to the next document
- Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch to the previous document
- Ctrl + W/Ctrl + F4: Close the current document
- Ctrl + S: Save the current document
- Ctrl + Shift + S: Save as current document
- Ctrl + D: Open the document properties dialog box
- Ctrl + K: Open the preferences dialog box
- Ctrl + F: Search panel pop-up
- Ctrl + Shift + F: Pop up the advanced search panel
- Ctrl + T: Open the search and replace panel
- Ctrl + P: Print
- Ctrl + Z: Undo last change
- Ctrl + Y: Redo last change
- Ctrl + Shift + I: Insert from the file
- Ctrl + Shift + T: Insert blank page
- Ctrl + Shift + D: Delete the page
- Ctrl + Shift + K: Tile horizontally
- Ctrl + Shift + L: Tile vertically
- Ctrl + N: Convert the document to PDF
- Alt + 7: Screenshots
- Alt + 3: Switch to text hand mode
- Ctrl + E: Switch to text editing mode
- Alt + 6: Switch to select mode
- Ctrl + F10: Window maximization
- Ctrl + 1: The actual size
- Ctrl + 0: Fit page to window
- Ctrl + 3: Fit height
- Ctrl + 2: Fit width
- F8: Fold functional area
- Ctrl + +: Zoom into page
- Ctrl + -: Zoom out of page
- F11: Enter or exit full screen mode
- Shift + F4: Expand/collapse the right property bar
- F4: Display or hide the left navigation bar
- F6: Switch to the next Ribbon Tab
- Shift + F6: Switch to the previous Ribbon Tab
- Home: The first page
- End: The last page
- ←: Scroll to the left
- →: Scroll to the right
- ← / PageUp / Shift + Enter: The previous page
- → /PageDown/ Enter: The next page
- Alt + ←: Jump to the previous view
- Alt + →: Jump to the next view
- ↑: Scroll up
- ↓ / Space: Scroll down
- Ctrl + 4: Continuous mode
- Ctrl + 5: Single page view
- Ctrl + 6: Two pages view
- Ctrl + 7: Two pages continuous
- Tab: Move the focus to the next comment, link, or form field in the document pane
- Shift + Tab: Moves the focus to the previous comment, link, or form field in the document panel
- Esc: Exit temporary editing status
- Ctrl + B: Add bookmark
- F2: Rename the selected bookmark
- Ctrl + Shift + -: Rotate page to the left
- Ctrl + Shift + +: Rotate page to the right
- F12: Batch Processing
- Ctrl + B: Make the selected text bold
- Ctrl + 1: Italicize the selected text
- Ctrl + ]: Increase font size
- Ctrl + [: Decrease font size