PDFelement: PDF Editor, Scanner
Edit, Convert, Annotate PDF
Edit, Annotate PDF

Rewrite PDF with AI, Replace Text in a Fly

Supercharge your proofreading with AI PDF rewriter! Pinpoint areas for improvement, and enhance the clarity, tone, and style.
Boost your productivity with one-click replacement of rewritten text.
Faster, safer, and limitless than online free AI PDF Rewriters

Works on:
Loved by 10,000+ users

Why choose PDFelement AI over
free online AI PDF rewriters?

Rewriting PDF when Reading
Rewrite and replace text instantly as you read your PDF. No more back-and-forth - experience the editing workflow of the future with PDFelement AI.
Tailor-Made Content Creation
Tailor the perfect tone for your PDFs. Choose from a variety of rewriting styles - academic, professional, creative, and more - to ensure your message resonates with your audience.
Security and Privacy
Work with security. Your confidential documents are protected. PDFelement AI is backed by Microsoft AI's industry-leading security practices, ensuring your data remains safe and private.
One-Stop Shop for All Your PDF Needs
PDFelement goes beyond simple rewriting. Leverage a suite of powerful AI features like summarization, translation, and AI chat, alongside classic editing tools like OCR, conversion and annotation.
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Used by 10,000+ users across various industries

How PDFelement AI PDF Rewriter works for everyone?

Unleash more creative power of AI PDF rewriter.

Explore its creative potential to transform your PDFs in exciting ways.

(4.5 out of 5)
Used by 10,000+ users across various industries
Rewrite and replace text in PDF in one go.
Select text while reading your PDF and activate the AI rewriting tool. See suggested rewrites instantly and replace them with a single click. Streamline your editing workflow with AI-powered PDF rewriting!
Rewrite PDF With AI Now Rewrite PDF With AI Now Rewrite PDF With AI Now Rewrite PDF With AI Now
Craft custom AI rewrites with personalized prompts.
Go beyond default prompts and personalize AI rewriting to fit your needs. Easily save custom prompts for effortless reuse, maximizing your editing efficiency.
Rewrite PDF With AI Now Rewrite PDF With AI Now Rewrite PDF With AI Now Rewrite PDF With AI Now
PDFelement AI rewriter helps me improve clarity and avoid plagiarism. No more struggling to rephrase my ideas - it suggests different ways to say things and helps me polish my writing in seconds.
Miranda M. / College student
PDFelement helps my students identify ways to improve their essays. I can see suggested rewrites and use them to provide more targeted feedback.
Tim D. / High School English Teacher
Accurate and time-saving for patient reports with PDFelement. It streamlines my workflow by suggesting rewrites that improve clarity and ensure consistent medical terminology in my reports. It's a valuable tool for busy healthcare professionals who need to focus on patient care.
Dr. Emma S. / Physician
PDFelement AI ensures my financial reports and proposals are clear, concise, and professional. The ability to personalize prompts for specific financial terms is a real game-changer.
Linda. D. / Investment Banker
PDFelement AI rewriter is a valuable tool for legal professionals. With it, I successfully streamlined the review and editing process for legal documents while maintaining the accuracy and formality of legal language.
James E. / Law Associate

Find your perfect fit: PDFelement AI plans.

Choose the AI Plan to speed up your PDF workflow for learning and working.

PDFelement's AI Plan
PDFelement for Windows
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PDFelement for Mac
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Free Trial
Windows macOS
AI Tokens 2,000,000 Tokens/Add-on 20,000 Tokens 20,000 Tokens 2,000 Tokens(14-day trial)2,000 Tokens(7-day trial)2,000 Tokens
AI Pages 50 50 3
AI Chat
Chat with PDF
AI Summarize PDF
AI Summarize PDF to Markdown
AI Proofread PDF
AI Rewrite PDF
AI Translate PDF
AI Content Detection
All PDFelement's Features
PDFelement for Windows
PDFelement for Mac
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FAQs about AI PDF rewriter.

  • ChatGPT currently has limited capabilities for directly rewriting PDFs. While the paid version (ChatGPT Plus) offers some PDF upload functionalities, it's not specifically designed for PDF rewriting. To use ChatGPT 3.5 (free version) for PDF rewriting, you'd need to manually copy and paste text from the PDF into the chat window, then request rewrites section by section. This can be time-consuming and inefficient.
  • In the world of AI PDF Rewriters, you have choices. But when it comes to finding the perfect balance of efficiency, accuracy, and control, PDFelement AI stands out.

    With PDFelement AI, you can select text directly within your PDF and activate the AI rewriting feature, eliminating the need for copying and pasting. More importantly, PDFelement AI delivers superior accuracy and customization. It provides high-quality rewrites that maintain your original meaning while offering options for industry and tone. Beyond rewriting, PDFelement boasts a comprehensive suite of features like OCR, annotation, and format conversion.

  • There are several ways to rewrite a PDF without needing Adobe Acrobat. For example, you can use PDFelement.

    PDFelement AI offers a user-friendly and efficient way to rewrite PDFs. Simply select the text you want to rewrite directly within your PDF, activate the AI tool, and replace the original text with only one click. PDFelement AI then provides you with high-quality rewrites while offering you control over the style and tone, ensuring the rewritten text perfectly aligns with your needs.

  • Character limits can be a real hurdle when using online AI rewriters for PDFs. Many popular tools restrict the amount of text you can rewrite at once. Here are some examples:

    QuillBot: Free plan has a 125-word limit.

    ParaphraseOnline: Free plan has a 1000-word limit.

    While these tools can be helpful for short snippets, they become impractical for rewriting entire PDFs or lengthy sections.

    If you need to rewrite PDFs without restrictions, PDFelement AI is the perfect solution. Unlike online tools with character limits, PDFelement AI lets you rewrite entire documents or specific sections directly within the PDF itself with no word input restrictions. This eliminates the need to break down your text into smaller chunks and rewrite it piece by piece, saving you time and frustration.

  • Yes, AI Rewriting can improve clarity, flow, and vocabulary in academic writing, but use it responsibly. Remember, AI Rewriting is a tool to enhance your writing, not replace your critical thinking and research skills. PDFelement AI offers features for supercharging your academic writing, making it a valuable tool for academic writing.

    PDFelement AI empowers you to leverage the benefits of AI rewriting while addressing specific requirements for academic writing. It provides features like tailored prompts to guide the AI towards formal or informal styles and password protection to keep your research confidential.

  • PDFelement AI is supported by Microsoft, and they offer guidance for responsible use of these capabilities based on Microsoft AI’s principles of fairness, reliability and safety, privacy and security, inclusiveness, transparency, and human accountability.

    PDFelement AI PDF Rewriter is only active if you choose to use it. The feature will only execute commands based on your inputs and does not access any other private data. For more information, check PDFelement AI Agreement to learn more.