PDFelement: PDF Editor, Scanner
Edit, Convert, Annotate PDF
Edit, Annotate PDF

Work Smarter with PDFelement User Guide

How to Convert PDF to Markdown

Converting PDF documents to Markdown format using PDFelement provides you with enhanced editability, compatibility, and versatility. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to create structured and easily readable text documents. Follow these steps to convert your PDFs to Markdown format:

  • Launch PDFelement and open your desired PDF document. Go to the "Home" tab, click "AI Tools," and select "PDF to Markdown."
pdf to markdown
PDF to markdown
  • In the "PDF To Markdown" window, specify "Page Range" and "Output Folder." Click "Convert."
pdf to markdown settings
PDF to markdown settings
  • PDFelement will analyze your PDF, summarizing abstracts, key points, and keywords. The PDF pages will be converted into Markdown format.
pdf to markdown result
PDF to markdown result