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Edit, Annotate PDF

Work Smarter with PDFelement User Guide

How to Edit Link in PDF on Mac

Much like hyperlinks on the internet, using a "Link" in PDFelement for Mac will allow you to jump to other pages in the same file or a website. This feature allows for citing sources or easy access to important information in the document.

1. Add Link

  • Click "Link" under the "Edit" tab in the Main Toolbar.
add link to PDF
Add link to PDF
  • Drag a rectangle where you want to add a link. This rectangle is the area where the link is active.
  • On the right-side panel, you can choose the action of the link.
  • Link to a web page: After choosing this option, please enter the website link in the box, right-click the link, and select "Preview" to open it.
link to a web page
Link to a web page
  • Go to a page view: After choosing this option, drag a rectangle to select an area on a page to add a link. In the right panel, set the desired page number and view magnification. Next, right-click the link and select "Preview" to check the target page view.
go to a page view
Go to a page view

2. Edit Link

  • To edit the link, click the "Link" button in the Secondary Toolbar, select the target link, and edit its properties and appearance in the right-side panel.
edit link
Edit link

3. Delete Link

  • Select the link you added, and click "Delete" in the drop-down menu under the "Edit" tab to delete it. Alternatively, press the Delete key directly, or right-click the target link to select the "delete" button.
delete link
Delete link