PDFelement: PDF Editor, Scanner
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Edit, Annotate PDF

Work Smarter with PDFelement User Guide

How to Proofread PDF with AI on Mac

Elevate the quality of your PDF documents with PDFelement's intuitive proofreading feature powered by Lumi AI reading assistant. Enhance your content's clarity and correctness using these simple steps:

  • Start by launching PDFelement and opening your PDF document. Head to the "Tools" tab and access "AI Tools," then choose "Proofread PDF."
proofread pdf ai mac
proofread PDF AI Mac
  • Lumi AI quickly proofreads the current page, providing an updated version in the AI Sidebar.
proofread pdf ai result mac
proofread PDF AI result Mac
  • For other content or specific sections of your PDF, utilize the "Proofread" command in the AI Sidebar. Simply input the text you wish to review.
ai proofread text mac
AI proofread text Mac
  • Click the send icon, and Lumi AI will present you with a polished version of the text. Moreover, it offers suggestions to refine and enhance your content's overall quality.
ai proofread text mac result
AI proofread text Mac result
  • To swiftly proofread specific text in your document, begin by selecting the desired text. Then, right-click the selected text.
  • From the popup menu that appears, navigate to "AI Content Processing" and choose "Proofread." Witness the magic of Lumi's AI capabilities as the proofread version of your selected text promptly appears in the AI Sidebar on the right.
right click ai proofread text
right click AI proofread text