How to Fill IRS Form 1120S Right
2024-09-27 19:02:30 • Filed to: Other IRS Forms • Proven solutions
Any running business or employed individual is entitled to payment of taxes annually either directly or indirectly to the government in compliance to U.S. federal agency policies. Internal revenue authority oversees collection and assessment of form 1120S reports ascertaining the gains, losses or credits to S corporations or LLC that is taxed as an S-corporation. However, filling the form is quite a great hustle because it has many lines that need to be filled and parts. Therefore, if you are eligible to filing form 1120S then you need to look for an intuitive PDF form filler.
The Best Form Filler to Fill IRS 1120S Tax Form
IRS 1120S tax form is a bit complex and therefore requires a special and robust PDF filler. A recommended professional form 1120S filler is Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor Wondershare PDFelement Wondershare PDFelement. This PDF editor and form-filler guarantee you easy filling with 1120S mailing address right there for mailing depending on where you live and the tax you are filing. At the same time, PDFelement will help you fill the required fields depending on the return you are filing as it supports editing of texts, links and images. You can even fill the form content using the required font style, size and style as it supports different fonts and styles.

Moreover, it allows you to share the filled form the 1120S via Dropbox, Google Drive, email or send and track with DocSend. Furthermore, this software allows you to optimize your PDF file, enter digital signatures, encrypt it with digital signatures, create a PDF form from scratch and even convert a PDF to different output formats.
Instructions on How to Fill IRS Form 1120S
After looking at how useful PDFelement is, we can now head straight on how you can use it to fill outlines of form 1120S easily. Below is a detailed step by step guide on how to file IRS form 1120S.
Step 1: Download the form the 1120S from the IRS website and open it in the PDF form filler. Open the application, click on "Open File" and upload the 1120S form.

Step 2: Begin by providing the taxing year of the information that you want for the file for the S- corporation.

Step 3: Under section A, enter the effective date, the business activity code and the preceding general information. Continue to check the boxes as per your credential documents. Note that in case the business is electing to be an S corporation, you will have to attach a filled form 2553. Following this is the Income and Deductions part.
For the Tax and Payments part, it is applicable if the business is transitioning from C corporation to an S corporation. Information on income generated by the business can be on the business profit and loss statement of the year.

Step 4: Next is Schedule B that needs other information. This section entails filling your business accounting method, identifying the business type followed by yes-no questions to determine the financial position of the business in terms of debts, stocks and hiring position.
The rest of the questions may vary depending on the type of business. For the schedule L and M-1, you will be required to fill in case the sum of total assets and receipts are more than $250,000 as per question 10 under Schedule B.

Step 5: Schedule K summarizes the business income deductions and shareholders share of the corporation. Attach each shareholder Schedule K-1 as evidence of share of the business.

Schedule L reports the business financial position in terms of assets, liabilities and equity. However, it's not a requirement for businesses with assets under $250,000.

Schedule M-1 which is the reconciliation section reports to the IRS the reconciliation between the income on books and income on returns. It's mandatory for corporations with assets of more than $250,000.

Schedule M-2 illustrates the shareholder capital account changes over the year. However, it's not for your S corporation if it was not previously a C corporation.

Tips and Warnings for IRS Form 1120S
Just like any other set of instructions that is due to change over certain deliberations, IRS form the 1120S has tips to consider every new tax year period.
- File form 1120S filling is due by the 15th day of the third month for the year after the tax year which is usually March 15 with a possible extension to September 16 following an application for extension.
- In case of electronically filed 1120S forms, the corporation is bound to follow the attached statement to Schedule K-1 instructions as per Pub.4164.
- In a scenario of Net Long-Term Capital gain/Loss whereby non-depreciable personal property is used in trade, it's not treated as an income. It's reported under Schedule K box 10 as shareholders pro-rata share using code H.
- In case of pending General business credits, you are not advised to attach form 3800 to form 1120-S. You instead attach a statement with the tax year in which the credit accrued, the amount and the total allowed credit.
- According to form the 1120S 2017 instructions, failure to file the tax returns penalty increased to $210.
- Ensure the original or amended returns are signed by a paid preparer through rubber stamp, computer software or mechanical device.
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Audrey Goodwin
chief Editor