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Tips to Improve Video Quality on macOS 11

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2025-03-26 17:47:49 • Filed to: macOS Tips and Tricks • Proven solutions

Video calls have become common across the globe for keeping in touch with families and friends, not to forget attending interviews and meetings at the comfort of our homes. This has increased the need to have quality videos and many asking the question of “how do I improve video quality on macOS 11?” This article shows how you can use macOS 11 video enhancer to enhance video quality for first-class footage of services like FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts, and Zoom among others.

How to Improve My Video Quality on Calls

Apart from the specifications of the application you are using, there are other factors that determine the quality of video calls you are making.

  • Moving closer to the router

One of the causes of poor quality of video calls is a slow connection or patchy Wi-Fi. This can be solved by moving closer to the router or ensure that there are no obstructions from walls that may reduce the bandwidth of the connection waves with your Mac. You can also opt to remove devices using the signal, resetting the router, or use a stronger frequency band.

  • Changing your webcam

The other option of improving the quality of the video call on your Mac is using an external webcam. They are larger than the ones that are installed on your Mac and can offer better performance for your video calls. The external webcams come with various specs that also dictate their price.

change video quality on macos 11

  • Using Powerline adapters

You may have many Wi-Fi dead spots at your home that interfere with the bandwidth of your internet connection. A clever way to reduce this is by plugging the Wi-Fi adapters to electrical sockets. This is an effective and cheap way of improving the quality of internet connection that translates to good video calls.

How Do I Improve Video Quality on FaceTime

It is very difficult to alter the video quality of FaceTime when using your iPhone or iPod. It is highly advisable you switch to Mac. This is informed by the fact that you can use add a webcam to improve the quality of the video.

One of the hindrances to quality videos on Facetime is a poor internet connection. Ensure that your Mac is connected to a strong Wi-Fi. Ensure that connections of the internet on both ends are strong enough for quality videos. Disconnect other devices that could be using the same internet for a stronger bandwidth. Ensure that your Mac is near the router by avoiding obstacles to strong wave strength.

The other way for improving the quality of videos on FaceTime is proper lighting. Ensure that the lighting is from the front and no rear lighting. Keep still and avoid any rea movements. Avoid standing in front of the light or window with movements.

best video quality enhancers/software for macos 11

How Can I Improve Video Quality on Skype

There are no settings available which can help in improving the quality of video on Skype. However, Microsoft recommends that you should have the latest versions of the Skype application for quality videos via Skype. You can check the updates of your Skype by clicking the Skype icon on the menu bar found on the left side on top of your screen.

You can also check the status of your Skype web page to check whether their services have any problem. Ensure that the contact management, instant messaging, media sharing, Skype to Skype, payment system, and calls are all normal.

In case all these checkups are okay and the quality of the Skype videos is poor you can change the internet provider. The problem could be arising from poor signals of the provider and a stronger bandwidth can solve the problem.

how do I improve video quality on macos 11

How can I improve Video Quality on Zoom

Zoom has proved to be a default conferencing video option for many people in the recent past. This means that it is imperative to have the best video settings on the Zoom application. In order to set the best quality video resolution for quality images, click the profile picture found on the right corner at the top, select the setting option than video.

There are many options that are available on the screen from the camera, video, and meeting. On the video, option click on Enable HD. Ensure that the specifications of the camera are good and the video will have quality resolutions.

Ensure that the quality of the internet connection is optimal for quality video. Disconnect any devices that might be using the same internet connection to increase the bandwidth. Ensure that you are near the router for a stronger connection without hindrances.

macos 11 video enhancer to enhance video quality

Best PDF Editor for macOS 11 – PDFelement for Mac

After getting the best video quality enhancers/software for macOS 11 it is imperative to get PDFelement for Mac for the best quality of images. The PDF editor offers the best features for merging and editing images and documents with ease. More so, it offers the best security features you can get in the market. It comes with the special features of security encryptions that secure your documents to avoid unauthorized access. The software has a special feature that allows you to edit any document and add captions to already existing documents at ease.

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The PDFelement for Mac has a special feature of converting word documents to PDF. The user interface allows you to easily access all its features much faster. It offers the option of signing documents digitally and you will have control of the documents at all times. The sharing of the documents is quite easy using this PDF Editor. Documents are easy to customize and personalize since you can add captions to documents and highlight what you want to remember later. You can add or remove pictures, change the order of the pages, or even remove pages from a document. The PDFelement for Mac is available in the market at competitive market rates which give the user their value for money.

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Audrey Goodwin

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