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Home > Email Signature > The Most Professional Email Signatures

The Most Professional Email Signatures

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2024-05-22 13:36:15 • Filed to: Email Signature • Proven solutions

If you go back and look at the correspondence you have had with people through the traditional mail, it is certain that you put a signature to it. However, sending an email will not require you to put a letterhead rather you can add a professional email signature to it. The importance of email signature cannot be overstated because it adds credibility to yourself and your business. In fact, the best email signatures are ones that add to your professional persona and one that makes it easy to contact you.

Professional Email Signature for Outlook, Gmail and Yahoo

It is actually not difficult to have professional email signature but you have to follow some few steps to achieve that. The following are some of the steps for good email signatures.

1. Professional Email Signature for Outlook

  • Step 1: Open Outlook, choose File > Options
  • Step 2: Then select "Mail" tab then click "Signatures"
  • Step 3: Choose "New", then type a name of the professional email signature of your interest
  • Step 4: Add all the necessary information that is required. You can use the formatting options to change fonts, images etc. and click on "OK"
  • Step 5: Your signature gets added every time you compose or reply a new email
free email signature

2. Professional Email Signature for Gmail

For Gmail, Follow these steps below.

  • Step 1: Open your Gmail, find gear symbol and click "Settings" and then "Signature"
  • Step 2: Add your personal information like name, title, website and phone
  • Step 3: If you need to change color and fonts, you can format it
  • Step 4: Click on "Link" to add links and images and type the URL. Click on "Add image" if you want to add image and then enter the link to the image
  • Step 5: Go down and click on "Save Changes"
sample email signatures

3. Professsional Email Signature for Yahoo

You can also create professional email signature on yahoo mail. You can see the steps below.

  • Step 1: Open Yahoo mail
  • Step 2: Find the "Gear" icon and then let your mouse hover around it
  • Step 3: Then Select Settings
  • Step 4: Open the "Writing email" category
  • Step 5: Get "show a Rich Text signature" enabled
  • Step 6: Type your signature
  • Step 7: Click on "Save" and you have professional email signature

good email signatures

The Importance of Professional Email Signature

Like mentioned earlier, your email signature is very important part of your identity. This is why using a badly designed signature on your email will even cause more harm than good to your reputation. This is why you need a professional email signature more than ever since you may not have the chance to correct a wrong impression about yourself. One thing that must be properly understood as far as creating personal email signature especially in corporate organizations is that it is not just about having colorful fonts or animations on signatures as it goes beyond that. In fact, a simple and clean signature with the organization logo can even make a lot of sense in this case. This has a way of communicating professionalism to the recipient as well as providing brand recognition.

Professional email signature is needed especially since today’s communication centers more around emails and whatever the signature used should reflect the organizations brand and tome like the way letterhead does. For this reason, a better email signature will add a lot more value to the brand you are representing. Fortunately, there are email signature examples that you can use to create something better and professional. With those sample email signatures, you can make your own professional free email signature easily.

professional email signature

professional email signature

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Elise Williams

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