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How to Turn Individual Education Plan Digital with PDF Editor

An Individual Education Plan consists of a special education pedagogical program for a student. Today, an IEP may (and should) be digital. This will lead to enormous practicality thanks to the fact that it is very easy to transport and can be seen on any device with a screen. The most ideal way to create it is through a PDF document, thanks to the enormous compatibility and the possibility of customization that can be applied, in addition to the fact that there is a PDF editor that covers all the needs so that the IEP will be more effective and easier to understand.

digital individual education plan

Part 1. Overview of IEP (Individual Education Plan)

Not all students are eligible to get an IEP, there are meritorious categories to be able to make an application to have this project, some of them are:

  • Autism­: It is an acute developmental disorder that hinders the ability to socialize, interact and communicate. Although it is not currently curable, many psychological and educational therapies help the person to evolve and advance the possibility of having more contact with others, from a school context to later do so in their daily life.

  • Hearing impairment/deafness: The inability or problem to listen represents difficulties not only in life but also in the educational part. There are strategies not only for communication through sign language, but to capture attention and provide more elements so that these students can take more advantage of the learning space.

  • Intellectual disability: There are many disabilities of this nature, which have to do with the difficulty of the mental and thinking process. Depending on the severity and type of disability, a specific intervention should be made, with a foundation and constant monitoring.

  • Emotional disorder: Every human being may present emotional problems, but in severe cases, it can generate an inability to interact with other people and even learn, which is considered a disorder. This can be due to multiple origins, which must be well defined to apply a psychological and educational strategy that can motivate the student to overcome their fears and insecurities and that their learning process progressively improve.

  • Language problems: A student may have language deficiencies of several categories, both in the oral and in the written part. When there are complications beyond what is normal, this problem should be addressed with specialists, so students with this condition should have professional help to counteract their difficulties.

  • Malformations and injuries: Whether they are congenital malformations, severe chronic or temporary injuries, there must be adaptations in the learning of the students, especially in the sessions that require travel such as physical education, arts, or sports workshops. Some plans adapt student participation and that gives teachers tools so that their use is least affected by the impossibility of moving freely.

Wondershare PDFelement

Simplify how people interact and communicate with PDF documents using intuitive and powerful PDF tools.


Part 2. How to Make Individual Education Plan Digital with PDF Editor

The best software to create and edit PDF documents is PDFelement, thanks to the fact that you will be able to personalize your content without any kind of restriction, you will have at your fingertips an incredible number of tools to get the most out of the IEPs you design. You can also perform very important tasks, which I will share with you below:

Method 1. Digital parent consent forms:

What is stated in the IEP cannot be applied if there is no signature by those responsible for the student, therefore, it is essential to make a consent form for the agreement to be carried out officially.

Create digital signature

digital signature

Create handwritten signature

hand written signature

Method 2. Keep up with IEP record changes:

An IEP is a document that is constantly updated and that may change due to adjustments, adaptations, and additions it may have over time. Thanks to PDFelement you will be able to make various annotations and keep track of changes that have occurred. This can be done easily through different tools such as the following:

A: Stamp

Click the “Comment” tab at the top of your screen and then hit the “Add Stamps” icon. Now you can see all the predefined stamps, select one and click on the position you want to place it. You can also create your own (static) stamps if none of the predefined is compatible with your needs.

digital individual education plan

B: Comment

There are multiple ways to add comments. You can do it through the tools "Note", "Typewriter", "Text Box," Callout "and" Area Highlight ". If you want to add comments of the same type continuously, you can do it easily employing the “Keep tool selected” tool as well as move, copy and paste them.

add comments

Method 3. Share IEP documents safely:

We know that an IEP is not only for the student or the experts but also for the parents and/or guardians. For more efficient communication, it is much more practical to share the PDF document. Through PDFelement this task can be done in just a few steps:

Step 1 Open PDF file

In the home window, click on "Open files." Now find and select the IEP file, once you did it, hit "Open."

Step 2 Share PDF file

Click the “File” tab at the top of your screen, then click “Share” from the displayed list, and then you can choose the option that fits your needs.

share pdf

Method 4. Maintain and archive IEP documents:

It is obvious that it is important to keep your files stored on your computer and in web storage services such as Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. As you could see before, PDFelement allows you to share your files to your cloud platform accounts, but this software gives you an even greater advantage, which is to be able to share your PDF documents to Wondershare PDFelement Cloud, which will add more and better security. Thus, you will be sure that you will get full compatibility with PDFelement. and you will be able to make use of this service to even edit and transfer your files with a single click.


Working with IEPs is very challenging, but a good application will lead to helping students to provide them with a better learning opportunity and to help overcome their barriers, giving them immeasurable benefit. Making this document digitally is now practically mandatory thanks to the aforementioned advantages. If this is added, the possibility of enhancing it through software such as PDFelement will be a total success thanks to all the customization tools that can be given, in addition to other possibilities such as editing, adding signatures, sharing it, and many more tasks.