PDFelement vs Foxit PDF Editor
Create, merge, compress, edit, sign PDFs, and more - easy to use for individuals, secure for teams.
Genuine feedback from customers.
Comparison between PDFelement and Foxit (PhantomPDF).
Struggling to choose between PDFelement and Foxit? This comprehensive comparison table, illustrating details on features, prices, and ratings,
can help you make an informed decision.
Why Choose PDFelement?
Discover a recommended alternative to Foxit for editing, annotating, and signing PDFs. Available on multiple platforms and capable of processing multiple files simultaneously.
Instant product updates powered by AI and emerging technologies.
Instant product updates powered by AI and emerging technologies.
AI Reading Assistant provides instant answers to your questions.
Generate bookmarks for PDF files automatically.
(Batch) OCR PDFs in 20+ languages.
Various pricing plans for different needs.
Various pricing plans for different needs.
Monthly, yearly and perpetual plans are available.
Get perpetual access to PDFelement at the same cost as the comparable products' annual plan.
Easy-to-use features with a simple interface.
Easy-to-use features with a simple interface.
The interface features easy-to-use navigation and tools that require only simple clicks and typing.
Batch process PDFs with a few clicks.
Customize the Quick Tools with frequently used features.
Powerful features & responsive customer services.
Powerful features & responsive customer services.
Use AI PDF Summarizer, AI PDF Translator, and AI Chat features to improve your PDF experience.
Read PDFs like real books with multiple reading modes.
Get instant live chat support and receive an email response within 24 hours.
Don't just listen to us.
Customer Success | Kelly Service
Kelly Services used Wondershare PDFelement to improve document security and prevent information leakage.
Cut PDF software licensing costs by over 60%.
Join 2 Million+ Daily Active Users
PDFelement never stop improving your PDF experience!
PDFelement 6 was launched.
PDFelement 7 was released.
PDFelement 8 was released.
PDFelement 9 was here.
AI-Powered PDFelement 10 is here!
Which do you prefer: PDFelement or Foxit?
Q: PDFelement or Foxit, which do you prefer? Feel free to tell us.