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Form W-9 is a file that a third party who have to provide into the United States income tax system. IRS form W 9 requests the taxpayer's name, taxpayer identification information and the taxpayer's address. If you have your own business, an independent consultant or an independent contractor, consultant or another self-employed worker, you need to provide your W 9 form. If you or your company contracted to offer service to another business, you will be asked to complete W-9 tax form.
Commonly, the business or financial institutions will give you a blank W-9, and you can complete it directly. Or if you or your business is asked to provide a fillable w 9 form to independent contractors, you can download the w 9 form directly from the IRS website. Here are some W 9 instructions:
1. Make sure the W 9 form you got is the right one.
2. If you are an employee, your employer will offer you the form. Any client who hires a freelance or independent contractor to work as a guest needs to provide the W-9.
3. To fill Form W-9 is pretty simple. Your Social Security number, your name. The name of the businesses and their employer identification number are already left on the form.
4. To submit Form W-9, you must certify to provide your accurate and correct tax ID number to the IRS.
5. To deliver the completed form W 9, please ensure that it is delivered in a secure manner, like mail, hand delivery, or attach to an email with an encrypted file.