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Whenever you leave your job for a new one, the polite thing to do is to send a Farewell Letter in which you show a respectful goodbye to the persons you worked with. This allows you to remain in good terms with your friends and colleagues at the workplace, all while preparing for the new job that you want to undertake. Remember that former colleagues can help you give references and at the end of the day they will provide you with a great career boost which is quite helpful.
Believe it or not, a Farewell Letter actually has to be very simple because you just need to say farewell to the now former colleagues. You should use a respectful language and show your appreciation for their support and help throughout the months or years that you worked together. It’s important to avoid making the letter lengthy, because no one will really read it all, so keep it concise and to the point because this is what will matter the most.
If you want to have a good guideline when it comes to writing a Farewell Letter we recommend you to check out the templates. If you want to get one started from scratch, you first need to make sure that you address each person individually. Sure, you can send a generalized Farewell Letter, but the personalized ones are a lot better, especially if you leave from a smaller company.
At first you will need to announce that you are leaving the company, and once that is done you will need to announce where you are leaving to, if you want. Then, add in some great ideas about the time spent within the company, the opportunities you had and the pleasant time.
You will need to integrate a farewell, leaving a mail address and maybe a phone number if the people within the company ever feel the need to call you for any reason.
Make sure to have a personal tone and not the corporate one, because at the end of the day this is a farewell letter, not a formal one, so connect with these persons and make them your friends even if you leave the company.
Also, try to address each person, even those with whom you never had any contact while working within the company. It’s all about paying respect to the persons that you worked with, because this is what matters the most.
Lastly, keep the message short. No one wants to read lengthy messages, especially when they are in the form of a Farewell Letter, so keep it short and leave your contact number, just so that people can contact you if they want. Maintain such an attitude as this will bring you immense results in the long run!