An I-751 is a petition to remove the conditions on their residence that are usually placed there due to an individual's marriage to a United States citizen. The petitioner is noted as a conditional resident by virtue of this marriage.
Included with the rest of the I-751 documents, you may wish to place a cover letter for I-751 petitioning. In this article, we'll include a sample cover letter for I-751, removal of conditions petitioning, as well as a few tips on structure and what to include in the cover letter.
- # I-751 Cover Letter Sample
- # I-751 Cover Letter Structure
- # Tips for Writing I-751 Cover Letter
- # How to Edit I-751 Cover Letter Template
Free I-751 Cover Letter Template

This is a free cover letter template for i-751 removal of conditions. Free Download and customize it according to the sample text below.
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I-751 Cover Letter Sample (Text)
Below you'll find an easy-to-edit template sample of an I-751 cover letter that would be written by one spouse (the petitioner) on behalf of their spouse and child.
Month Day, Year
(Insert USCIS centre address where you're filling the petition)
Re: Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence for:
(Name of immigrant K-1 visa spouse), (Alien registration number)
(Name of immigrant K-2 visa child), (Alien registration number)
Dear USCIS Officer,
I am writing to inform you of the attached joint I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence for my immigrant wife, (insert full name of wife), and our daughter, (insert full name of child). My wife came to the United States on a K-1 visa, and our daughter on a K-2 visa. We married shortly after her arrival, as we had been unable to do so previously, and have remained living together happily as a family with our daughter. We very respectfully request that this I-751 petition be accepted to remove the conditions of residence for (full name of wife) and (full name of child).
Enclosed is a completed I-751 petition form, along with several other documents listed here:
- A check for (fee amount in USD).
- Copies of the permanent resident cards for (insert wife's full name) and (insert child's full name).
- A copy of our marriage certificate.
- A copy of our joint occupancy rental agreement for the residence my wife (insert wife's full name) and I reside in with our daughter, (insert child's full name).
- A copy of our child's birth certificate.
- Copies of our tax statements for the last 3 years (insert year range in brackets).
- Copies of recent bank statements from our joint checking and savings accounts.
- A letter from my life insurance company, (insert company's name), showing that the designated beneficiaries are my wife and child.
- A copy of the joint ownership title to our car.
- A copy of our most recent join account credit card statement.
- Three sworn affidavits by close friends of United States citizenship, attesting to our happy relationship and marriage.
- Family photographs from several occasions over the last 3 years, including (list occasions and dates) We respectfully request that the interview usually required for the I-751 petition be waived under consideration of the evidence enclosed and in accordance to 8 CFR §216.4(b)(1).
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,
(sign your name)
(print your full name)
Structure of an I-751 cover letter
The structure of an I-751 cover letter should go a little like this:
- Date ("Month Day, Year").
- United States Citizenship and Immigration Services centre filling address.
- Subject line ("Re: Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence for:"), note full name of immigrant K-1 spouse and full name of K-2 child.
- Salutation ("Dear USCIS Officer,").
- Explanation of why you're writing to the USCIS, including the full names of your spouse and child(ren).
- Note which documents are included in the document package with the I-751 petition.
- Request that the interview be waived if applicably possible.
- Thank the USCIS Officer for their time.
- Closing salutation.
- Sign.
- Print your full name.
Tips for Writing I-751 Cover Letter
In case you're still feeling a little lost while writing your Form I-751 cover letter, here are a few useful tips:
- If you aren't filing with a child, you don't need to mention your children.
- Remain respectful throughout the I-751 cover letter.
- Include brief details that show a good relationship between you and your immigrant spouse.
- Include photographs as evidence.
- Remember to include the alien registration number if your spouse (and child, if applicable) has one. Not everyone has an alien registration number.
- Make sure your marriage looks as legitimate as possible.
- Always sign and date your I-751 cover letter.
- When mentioning a person, note their full name as shown on their birth certificate or any marriage documents.
It's vital that a Form I-751 cover letter is properly written to show USCIS officers that you are in a committed relationship with your spouse. With our easy-to-edit template sample cover letter for I-751, Removal of Conditions petition, you should be well on your way to finishing the document packet and being able to file your I-751 with no issues.
How to Edit I-751 Cover Letter Template
It is easy to edit the PDF cover letter templates in this page with Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor Wondershare PDFelement Wondershare PDFelement, a professional and easy-to-use PDF editor. You can change the texts, images, form fields, font size and color in the templates with this tool. You can also create a new cover letter with it. The following are the key features of it.

Step 1. Open the I-751 Cover Letter Template

Step 2. Click on "Edit" and Enter Your Text as You Like

Step 3. Complete and Save Your I-751 Cover Letter