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Spinbot Paraphrasing Tool Review & the Best Alternative

There are thousands of websites and blog posts where creative writers post content daily. You might refer to an article someone else wrote for your blog or an academic paper. It would be an offence to commit plagiarism by using the author’s exact words in your own writing.

A better alternative would be to paraphrase, which entails digesting and expressing the content in your own words. Paraphrasing is essential because it helps you discover unique ways to convey your message without stealing someone else’s work. You could paraphrase another author’s work manually or use nifty tools like Spinbot paraphrasing tool to get the job done.

Stick around to learn more about Spinbot and other alternatives to paraphrasing articles.

spinbot paraphrasing tool

Spinbot Paraphrasing Tool Review

Spinbot is a paraphrasing tool and a sentence rewriter that can transform any article or digital document by rephrasing the words and optimizing the text. This platform will adhere to the original tone and main theme without veering off or changing the meaning of the words.

Also it has a plagiarism checker that ensures you are not committing the heinous act of stealing someone else’s hard work.

spinbot paraphrasing tool

Once you copy and paste the text you want to paraphrase, Spinbot article spinner will analyze each sentence either line by line or digest one word at a time. Your paraphrased text will be ready within a few seconds, and you can copy it to a separate document.

The toggle at the top of the interface allows you to choose how long you want the paraphrased text to be. You can instruct the platform to derive the shortest version of the paraphrased text, rewrite it randomly, or find the longest possible way to paraphrase it. You can also indicate the words the platform should ignore before you initiate the process.

Spinbot allows you to paraphrase around 10,000 words at a time. Once you are satisfied with the result, you can press the copy tab at the corner of the response box instead of highlighting the entire text. Depending on your needs and target audience, you can also choose between Basic Paraphrase and Advanced Paraphrase.

As you may well understand, the content generated by AI robots might lack a human touch and seem bland. This is not ideal since you are writing for other human beings who want to feel a connection with you and the message you are trying to relay. With Spinbot, you never have to worry about bland content that a robot has evidently written.

Spinbot uses Natural Language Processing to make sentences easier to read and digest. This platform also leverages Machine Learning to teach the AI robot to talk in a human-like manner. These nifty additions ensure you produce high-quality content with top-tier vocabulary that your audience will relate to and enjoy reading.

A significant perk of using Spinbot is that it is a free tool, meaning you don’t need to register an account to access the features. This tool is also user-friendly, and we guarantee you will not experience a learning curve when you first start getting the hang of it. Spinbot is also web-based, eliminating the need to install software directly to your device.

We understand that free online tools might not be as feature-rich as offline tools requiring a subscription fee. However, Spinbot differs from the rest since the character restriction is substantially higher than all other free tools. Unless you need to rewrite an entire novel, the 10,000-word restriction will most likely suffice for all your needs.

You can use three modes to paraphrase your work using the Spinbot paraphrasing tool.

●Standard mode

This is the default paraphrasing mode that will replace a few relevant words with synonyms that won’t distort the meaning of the text.

●Random mode

This mode corrects any errors in your writing and aims to give your work a better flow.

●Longest mode

The Longest mode uses the most creative vocabulary to paraphrase your work to the biggest possible length.

Below are some of the benefits of using Spinbot to paraphrase your content.

  • Spinbot free online tool saves you the time you would have spent reading and re-reading text so you can paraphrase it accurately. You also save precious resources you would have used to hire seasoned writers to do the job for you. In the long run, you become more productive and efficient.
  • This platform takes your writing to the next level by providing a list of synonyms that fit the context of the text. With time, you will become more proficient in the language and expand your vocabulary.
  • Spinbot is extremely fast and can paraphrase lengthy text within a short period. Therefore, you can rely on this tool to complete the job when you are on a time crunch.
  • Spinbot plagiarism remover uses an advanced algorithm to ensure you have not copied and pasted someone else’s work. By the time the tool has completed paraphrasing the text, we can guarantee it will be 100% authentic.
  • In addition to the plagiarism checker, Spinbot ensures your paraphrased text is grammatically correct and free from any errors that would make your work look sloppy. Mistakes in your work could also distract the reader and cause them to focus on the error rather than the message you want to relay.

How To Use Spinbot Summarizer to Paraphrase Text

Here is a detailed guide on how to use Spinbot summarizer to paraphrase text.

Step 1 Go to the Spinbot homepage and look for a blank box containing a prompt that says, “Your text to rewrite.”

Step 2 Paste the text you want to rewrite in the box as shown.

Step 3 Click the “Ignore words” icon to highlight the words the AI shouldn’t rewrite.

Step 4 Once you specify the words you want to be ignored, select “Basic Paraphrase.”

spinbot paraphrasing tool

Step 5 Review the rewritten words in the text box below and make changes as you see fit. From there, you can copy the paraphrased texts.

PDFelement: The Best Alternative To Spinbot?

You now understand how to use the Spinbot paraphrasing tool and why it would be an excellent choice to help you rewrite your work. However, you might want to find out whether there is a fitting Spinbot alternative you might need an offline solution. Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor is an excellent Spinbot alternative to Spinbot that contains all the features you might need to bring your content to life.

spinbot paraphrasing tool

First and foremost, PDFelement is an offline tool you can download to your device and use wherever you go. Unlike Spinbot article rewriter, you don’t need an Internet connection to access the features and edit your content. Secondly, you can access more features than you could possibly imagine with PDFelement.

This platform has a powerful AI known as Lumi that has been taught through machine learning to analyze the words in your article or document and understand the context. Depending on the prompt you give Lumi, this AI will transform your article into a masterpiece free from errors and incorrect syntax.

Here is a detailed guide on how to use Wondershare PDFelement to paraphrase your article.

Step 1 Download and install PDFelement on your computer. From there, launch the PDFelement on your computer.

Step 2 Next, import the PDF file you want to rewrite and select the texts you want to paraphrase. Click the “Lumi PDF AI robot” button. You will find it at the bottom right corner of the interface. Click “Rewrite” and paste the content you want to paraphrase in the “Content” box below.

Step 3 Select “Rewrite” to initiate the process and wait a few moments for the AI to analyze your work.

spinbot paraphrasing tool

Step 4 Once the process is complete, you can copy the response to a separate blank document or replace the original text entirely with the new content.

spinbot paraphrasing tool

Apart from the Rewrite feature, we know you would enjoy plenty of other features while using PDFelement. Below is a detailed breakdown of features you could use to optimize your work.


This feature picks out the main points in your content, leaving you with a shortened version of the original.


You can use the Explain feature to expound on words or phrases you do not know or would like further clarification.


This feature eliminates common mistakes like grammatical errors, wrong punctuation, incorrect syntax, and lengthy sentences to create a polished document.

●Chat with PDF

Wondershare PDFelement allows you to interact with Lumi, ask it questions, and wait for the AI robot to generate a response. Lumi can solve mathematical equations, write code, and generate content within seconds.

●AI Content Detector

This last feature lets you know whether an AI has generated content someone sent you.


Paraphrasing is a crucial skill both in academia and in the real world. It also prevents you from using the author’s exact words, which is not ideal. Paraphrasing tools like Spinbot and PDFelement have made our work easier, eliminating the need to comb through your work numerous times so you can create the best-paraphrased document.

They save you time and are more cost-effective than hiring a third party to paraphrase your work. These tools are also very accurate and strive to stay within context.

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