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Is Using ChatGPT-Generated Content Plagiarism Free?

AI tools are all the rage right now. It is a hot - and controversial - topic in schools and on the internet. AI art creators face backlash for "stealing" other people's works and using them to create new art pieces. Now the question is, is Chat GPT the same? When it responds to you, does it write from scratch, or does it copy other people's words? Is ChatGPT plagiarism free?

Many people rely on ChatGPT to quickly finish tasks that normally would take a long time to finish. For example, ChatGPT can quickly paraphrase an article. But what if using ChatGPT for paraphrasing means violating plagiarism laws? In this article, we will discuss whether this is the case or not.

What Is ChatGPT?

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ChatGPT is probably a term you hear a lot these days. But what is it? In simple words, ChatGPT is an advanced AI chatbot. Because of NLP and machine learning, it can understand human language and intent. Moreover, it can execute tasks like writing and even coding for you.

How is ChatGPT able to do that? Well, GPT-3 is trained on a dataset of more than 40 terabytes of text data. This is where the concern comes from. What if ChatGPT finds the relevant text from the data it was trained on? Then, it gives that as the response to your prompt. Obviously, without proper citation, it is breaking plagiarism laws. But that is if this was the case. So the question is, does ChatGPT commit plagiarism, or does it generate original writing?

Is ChatGPT Plagiarism Free?

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Critics of AI tools are continuously searching for evidence that ChatGPT is not plagiarism-free. Unfortunately for them, it is not like the tool they want it to be. ChatGPT is a sophisticated AI chatbot. It does not reply to you by finding a chunk of text from an existing article and copying it word for word. Instead, ChatGPT reads and understands that text. Then, ChatGPT generates a response based on what it understood.

While ChatGPT does not intentionally violate plagiarism laws, it can still break them. Sometimes, it may use phrases or sentences that have re-used text in them. It happens to writers who write without technological aid too. We'd like to emphasize that this is not intentional. It just happens. So, we suggest that you also have a tab open for a plagiarism checker. It will help you stay away from legal troubles.

How To Detect ChatGPT-Written Text

Suppose you want to know whether or not the submissions you receive are ChatGPT-written. You can now do that, thanks to AI detector tools. Please note that currently, there is no AI detector tool that is 100% accurate. They can't always tell if the content is AI-written or not. So please use them only as a reference. Nevertheless, it is better than nothing.

How do these tools identify AI-written text? They use different models on top of algorithms. The tools may grade the text's predictability, burstiness, pattern, probability, etc.

So, what is a good example of such a tool? You can consider checking Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor. The king of affordable PDF solutions has gained new features after its integration with some known AI tools.

Using GPTZero's API, Wondershare PDFelement created a feature you can use to scan for AI-written text. It is now one of the top-performing AI detectors on the market.

And if you want a web app version of that, you should try HiPDF. It is basically the same, but with a few differences.

How To Use Wondershare PDFelement To Detect ChatGPT-Written Content

Wondershare PDFelement offers an AI-Written Detect tool through Lumi, the PDF AI robot. There are plenty of reasons to love this feature.

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One, the AI-Written Detect feature accepts both files and text as inputs. Therefore, you don't need to waste time converting from one format to another.

Also, as we know, the longer the text, the longer the processing time will be. Since you can choose to analyze only certain paragraphs, you can shorten the processing time.

Another thing about Wondershare PDFelement's AI Detect is that it allows you to scan a file different from the active one. This eliminates the need to open a file, scan it, close it, then open another file. Instead, you only need to open one file and scan as many as you want.

That said, with Wondershare PDFelement's AI-Written Detect feature, convenience is the name of the game.

Follow these steps to use Wondershare PDFelement's AI detector:

1.Open any PDF with Wondershare PDFelement.

2.Find and click the Lumi PDF AI robot at the bottom right of the PDFelement window.

3.Choose AI-Written Detect from the options.

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4.Select Current Document to scan the active file. Alternatively, click Browse folder to scan another document. You can also switch to the "Content" tab and paste the text that you want to scan for ChatGPT-written content.

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5.Click Detect.

6.Read Lumi's output. The text that's likely written by AI is highlighted in yellow.

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Wondershare PDFelement's AI detector is powered by GPTZero, one of the frontrunners in the AI detection field.

You can analyze text or files using this tool.

You can try the tool for free.


You don't have free access to the AI detector forever. It goes away after the 14-day free trial.

Wondershare PDFelement gives you only 5,000 AI tokens for free. When the free trial ends, it goes to zero, no matter if you still have some tokens left.

How To Use HiPDF To Detect ChatGPT-Written Content

HiPDF is a website that provides its visitors with PDF tools. One of the newest additions to its toolbox is the AI Detect tool. It is a cut above other online AI detectors. Like Wondershare PDFelement, it can scan files or text for AI-written content. Since it is also GPTZero-powered, you can rest assured that it is reliable.

HiPDF also grades a text's perplexity and burstiness. Perplexity is its randomness or perplexity, while burstiness is the measurement of the variation in perplexity. Aside from that, HiPDF identifies the sentence most likely is not written by AI. These are very useful insights.

Follow these steps to use HiPDF to detect ChatGPT-written text:

1.Launch a web browser. Navigate to HiPDF's AI Detector tool.

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2.Paste the text that you want to analyze. It should be at least 250 characters long and 50,000 characters max. Alternatively, switch to the "File" tab. Click Choose File or do drag and drop action to upload a PDF from your computer. You can also click the Cloud button and upload from OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, or Wondershare Cloud.

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3.Click Get Results.

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4.Read HiPDF's analysis. It will tell you whether the content is likely AI or human-written. Below, it will show you the perplexity score and burstiness score. Moreover, HiPDF will tell you which sentence is the most likely human-written.

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You can use HiPDF's AI Detector for free.

HiPDF grades the text's perplexity and burstiness.

The AI Detector uses GPTZero's API.


The free version gives you only 10,000 characters in total.

The character limit for PDFs in the free version is 5,000.


AI-written content is becoming more and more common as AI tools become increasingly accessible. The biggest question is: do they violate plagiarism laws? ChatGPT-written text may occasionally break plagiarism laws, but it is not intentional. You'll be fine most of the time.

Because of this concern, the ability to detect AI text is so sought-after. Thankfully, many tools can provide you with this capability. Wondershare PDFelement and HiPDF are standout examples. These GPTZero-powered AI detectors are as accurate as you can get right now.

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