Create an original 2-3 minute video on the topic of "PDF in education."
Check out these examples for reference.1. Submit your video to and include your name, email, and institution.
Our team will upload your video to the PDFelement YouTube channel.
2. You’ll receive the URL to your video and a free copy of PDFelement 6 Pro within 1-2 business days.
3. Submissions are partially evaluated based on the amount of votes the video receives, so make sure you share your video with friends and family using the hashtag #PDFelementscholarship2018!
The scholarship for the second half of 2018 has ended.Thank you for supporting PDFelement. Congratulations to the following winners.
Qing He from Universidad Complutense de Madrid who is the lucky girl to wins the $1000 scholarship.
The rest of students who create video and get our Scholarship Committee's verification will get our valued $99.95 full-featured PDFelement. Here is the list:
1. Bree Smith, Charles Sturt University
2. Ajibola Afolashade Sophie, University of Ilorin
3. Tácilys Cardoso de Sousa, Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI
4. Peng Fei Xu, Douglas College
6. Lilianne Tran, University of Pretoria
7. GUPTA, JAYANT, Institute of company secretaries (ICSI)
Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make 2018 scholarship program a success. Stay tuned for the next scholarship we have coming up for 2019!