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6 Surefire Ways to Build Brand Awareness

brand awareness

The first rule of business is to build brand awareness. Everything else can wait!

Because as quoted by Robin S. Sharma:

"Awareness precedes choice, and choice precedes results!"

So, if youre up for learning various ways to increase brand awareness, we have a lot in store for you.

In this article, we will go over the concept of brand awareness, how to measure it, and various strategies to build brand awareness.

What is Brand Awareness?

what is brand awareness

Brand awareness is the level to which a brand is recognized by its customers for the product or services it offers.

For example, have you ever visited a departmental store and asked for Pampers instead of diapers? Coke instead of cola? And Surf instead of laundry detergent?

Thats the pinnacle of brand awareness!

A brand so successful that its name has replaced the generic name of things!

That should be the primary aim of every company. But, obviously, it takes years of successful marketing to reach that level.

However, you can still measure brand awareness in many ways.

How to Measure Brand Awareness?

The extent to which a brands name is recognizable is one way to measure brand awareness.

According to Byron Sharp, director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, the most important thing that compels people to buy a product is the ability to recall its name, which is possible by a familiar tagline or a logo that stands out.

For example, Nikes Just Do It or LOreals Because Youre Worth It are consistent taglines known globally.

But, even if your brand is not known globally, you can still measure brand awareness through the following tactics:

Ways to Measure Brand Awareness
1 Conduct surveys
2 Track website traffic
3 Monitor search volume data
4 Social listening tools

1. Conduct Surveys

One of the most popular ways of measuring brand awareness is by conducting surveys. You can do it via email, telephone, website, or even distributing forms among people sitting in a waiting area.

conduct surveys

You can ask people questions similar to these:

  • How familiar are they with your brand?

  • How did they hear about it?

  • Have they ever used your products or services?

  • Will they use it again?

This approach will help you determine whether people know about your brand or not and the channel through which they heard about you. It wont give you a definite number, but it will sure give you an idea of how aware people are of your brand.

2. Track Website Traffic

Another way to measure brand awareness is by tracking your websites traffic.

There are numerous tools that can help you with it. For instance, Google Analytics helps in tracking the number of people who:

  • Typed your websites URL in their browser.

  • Clicked on a link that redirects them to your website.

  • Use a bookmark to land on your website.

Looking at website traffic will help you track changes in brand awareness, i.e., increased traffic indicates that more people are getting aware of your brand.

3. Monitor Search Volume Data

monitor search volume data

Search volume data refers to the number of times people searched for your brand by typing its name in the search bar.

Just like website traffic, you can track search volume data through various tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Google Trends.

By using these tools, you can monitor search volume data and see whether its increasing or not. They also help you figure out keywords specific to your brand and product and help your website appear on SERP.

4. Invest in Social Listening Tools

One of the most effective and organic ways of measuring brand awareness is through social listening.

This approach involves listening to or accessing conversations about your brand on social media or any other platform on the web. The upside of this tactic is that you get to know the consumers true and unbiased thoughts (good or bad) about your brand.

It helps you know:

  • Where are you lacking?

  • What do consumers like about your brand?

  • Which advertising or marketing campaign is working?

As a result, you can make changes or improvements to mold your brand according to what the customers want.

Social listening tools like Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Buffer, etc., can help you make the most of this technique.

With that being said, let us bring your attention to the most important point…

For measuring brand awareness, you need to first build brand awareness!

And, to build brand awareness, you need a solid brand awareness strategy.

Strategies to Build Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness requires time and patience.

And, although theres no magic wand that takes your brand to the top overnight, we have rounded up some surefire strategies to help increase brand awareness amongst your customers.

Strategies to Build Brand Awareness
1 Make use of Influencers
2 Native advertising
3 Infographics
4 Step up on Instagram
5 Unique logo
6 Email marketing

1. Make Use of Influencers

make use of influencers

When will these self-proclaimed celebrities come in handy?

Jokes apart, many YouTubers and Instagrammers have an established audience who follow them avidly, trust their reviews, and even try out products they use. Getting these influencers to use your product, review it, or even mention it is a great way to increase brand awareness and expand your reach.

For example, famous YouTuber James Welsh is a skincare enthusiast who tries out different skincare products in his videos. With almost 1.3M subscribers on YouTube and 357K followers on Instagram, he tries every trending makeup or skincare product and gives honest reviews. His followers usually get their hands on the products he swears by.

2. Go for Native Advertising

go for native advertising

Another sure-shot way of winning new customers is to use native advertising.

Many people find ads intrusive and dont pay much heed to them. But, by using native advertising, you can easily include your ad in the natural format of the website or platform in a non-intrusive manner.

However, native advertising doesnt always have to be in the form of ads within the content.

For instance, Nickelodeon promoted Spongebob Squarepants by adding a Which Spongebob Character are You? filter on Instagram. Though it was mentioned that its a sponsored filter, it was available for the users where all the other filters are.

This strategy helped Nickelodeon connect with Instagram users in an interactive and fun way, expanding its reach as a result.

3. Create Vibrant Infographics

create vibrant infographics

If you want to increase your brands visibility, you must create vibrant infographics to display interesting facts and figures.

The more appealing your infographics are, the more far and wide they will be shared, resulting in increased brand awareness.

Like Kissmetrics generated over 41,000 tweets, 2.5 million visitors, and 41,000 backlinks from 3,700 unique domains, with the 47 amazing infographics they created over a span of 2 years.

Heres an example of one of their infographics:

chart infographic


4. Step Up Your Game on Instagram

step up your game on instagram

Another relatively easier and faster way to increase brand awareness is to double down on social media, especially Instagram.

Users prefer looking at images and watching short videos rather than reading long textual content on social media. This is why if you post your brands story on Instagram through images and videos with short captions, you might just be able to reach out to more people.

Here I'd like to mention Katherine Sabbath, a cake designer from Australia who has almost 482K followers on Instagram.

Her secret?

She creates state-of-the-art designer cakes in different shapes and sizes. Her creativity in baking has earned her the title of "Sydney Cake Queen," and she has appeared as a guest judge on MasterChef Australia.

But moreover, she posts fantastic images of her creations and cake decorating videos on Instagram, which has expanded her reach across borders.

5. Design a Logo to Remember

design a logo to remember

Whenever you see the letter M high up on a pole, you know McDonalds is around the corner, even from a distance. Similarly, a leaping panther undoubtedly denotes the brand Puma, even if the name isnt written.

Thats how important a logo is for a brand!

If you design a unique logo for your brand, you can easily make it stand out from the rest. Make sure it has distinct colors because color improves brand recognition by up to 80%.

So, unleash your creativity when it comes to creating a logo for your brand.

6. Email Marketing

email marketing

An effective email marketing strategy also plays a vital role in increasing brand awareness. Not only does it build customer loyalty, but it also increases the ROI of marketing campaigns and makes your brand reliable.

Moreover, email marketing is 40x more effective than Facebook, and Twitter combined in acquiring new customers!

All you need is:

  • A friendly tone

  • Fonts, colors, templates, and CTAs that appeal to customers

  • A welcome email

  • Personalization

  • Consistency

With all of these factors combined, you can indeed carry out an email marketing campaign that maximizes your reach and boosts brand awareness.

Dont forget to add a touch of professionalism to your emails for the customers to see your brand as authentic and trustworthy.

For instance, if youre sending out a contract or agreement for e-signatures, using a tool like Wondershare PDFelement Cloud, you can add your brands logo to the form for a more official look.

recommend document cloud

Wondershare PDFelement Cloud

Premium 100GB Cloud Storage

High-quality Electronic Signature

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After all, a brand logo is a visual representation of a business!

Thats a Wrap

If youre building a business, its important for people to know that you exist.

And for that, you need to find a strategy that builds brand awareness without being pushy or intrusive.

The strategies we have rounded up will help make your brand visible, promote your business, and launch your products successfully.


Be visible, be successful, and make a mark!